Saturday, December 3, 2011


51%2B3wSwcLHL._SL500_AA300_.jpgI've been on a bit of an adventure over the last two years.  I've done it on the cheap, and quite honestly, on the generosity of others. (thank you)  It has been a fantastic journey and I have learned many things.  However, I need to find something more sustainable and an avenue for executing all of my ideas.  I've tapped into some pretty cool resources that have blazed the technomadic trail before me.  I'd like to think I'm original, but I'm not.  However, great success comes from climbing on the shoulders of those who have succeeded before you.

So I came across a great resource this morning.  
While perusing Amazon's books, I came across Computing Across America

I was inspired to buy his most recent book, Reaching Escape Velocity.

The reviews of the book lead me to believe it is well written, but also a great how-to guide for all those looking to take the path less traveled in a creative and sustainable way.

I look forward to reading it and implementing the ideas to establish a more sustainable, fulfilling lifestyle.

Nombook 1

There is also a continuing work called the 'Nomadness Report' which highlights the progress (or regression as the case may be) of Steve's latest works.

Buy NowYou can get a copy here:

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